📊Leaderboard commands

Commands to manage and interact with the server's leaderboard system

👑 * Admin only commands

ðŸ’Ą * General command for everyone

Required parameters will be in [Square brackets]

Optional parameters will be in (Curly brackets)

👑 Reset commands:

/reset [entity] [options]

👑 Reset full leaderboard:

/reset leaderboards (queue_channel)

Entirely resets all leaderboards. This includes wins, losses MVP votes. If you have set up a unique leaderboard, you can reset stats for that queue only by selecting the queue channel.

👑 Reset the User or entire server

/reset user [member] (queue_channel)

Reset a member's wins, losses, MMR, and MVP votes back to 0. Use with care! Omit the optional value member to reset everyone.

If you have set up a unique leaderboard, you can reset a member's stats for that queue only by selecting the queue channel.

👑 Reset MMR

/reset mmr (member) (queue_channel)

Resets the MMR scores for all players. The default MMR is 833. Omit the optional value member to reset everyone.

If you have set up a unique leaderboard, you can reset a member's MMR for that queue only by selecting the queue channel.

👑 Reset challenges

Clears all ongoing challenges and their progress. We advise resetting the leaderboard and resetting MMR at the same time.

👑 Toggle MMR:

/mmr toggle [preference]

Switches Matchmaking (MMR) tracking on or off. Once disabled, send a fresh queue with /start into your queue channel. In most cases, you will now be playing in Team-Based matchmaking mode.

👑 Create a dynamic leaderboard:

/top_ten [channel] [game]

Generates a live, updating leaderboard based on current player standings, currently limited to 10 and the default ranking is for most wins. In most cases, this will already be taken care of by /setup

Running this multiple times will override the previous channel.

ðŸ’ĄView leaderboards:

/leaderboard [game] (options) (queue_channel)

View the server leaderboard based on the available options. Omit options to default to MMR.

If you have set up a unique leaderboard, you can view the leaderboard of a specific queue channel by selecting it.

ðŸ’Ą View Player stats:

/rank [game] (member) (queue_channel)

View your statistics, or select a player to view theirs.

If you have set up a unique leaderboard, you can view a player's stats by selecting the queue channel.

ðŸ’ĄView a player's Match History

/match_history [game] [member]

ðŸ’ĄView a player's Stats

/stats [game] [member]

This will display a dashboard of general statistics. We're always looking for more stats that we could include, so let us know if you have any good ideas.

👑 Set an All-Time leaderboard

/all_time_leaderboard [channel] [game]

This leaderboard displays the all-time top players in your server, based on their total number of wins. It provides a historical view of the players who have achieved the most victories. Unlike the regular leaderboard, this lifetime leaderboard will not reset when the other leaderboards are reset. It exclusively ranks players by their total wins.

Please note that we do not rank players by MMR on this leaderboard, as MMR is dynamic and constantly changing and being reset, making it difficult to track accurately over a long period.

This leaderboard will update after every match played.

Last updated