⚙ïļSetup commands

Commands to configure setting up InHouseQueue'

👑 Admin only commands

ðŸ’Ą General command for everyone

Required parameters will be in [Square brackets]

Optional parameters will be in (Curly brackets)

👑 Set up the server

/setup [game]

Run initial setup processes for InHouseQueue in the server.

Full details here

👑 Start a Queue


Start a brand-new queue!

Running this command will initiate a new queue. This can only be run in a dedicated queue channel. Please see our setup guide for instructions on how to create Queue channel(s).

👑 Create a Match history Channel

/create_match_history [channel] [game]

This creates a new Match history channel, overriding the previous one. The match history channel is where finished game results are sent to, more info here. If you've gone through our setup guide you should already have this channel. However, if you have accidentally deleted yours or want to move the channel use this command.

👑 Help


This will show you a help menu where you can find the most common commands and useful tips and tricks. It also includes useful links.

👑 Update Region


Update the Region your queue identifies as. This is currently only useful for League of Legends as the region is required in order to generate accurate OP.GG links.

Last updated