MMR commands
Commands to manage MMR of InHouseQueue or Users
Last updated
Commands to manage MMR of InHouseQueue or Users
Last updated
Required parameters will be in [Square brackets]
Optional parameters will be in (Curly brackets)
Manually increase or decrease the Matchmaking Rating (MMR) for specific players by a flat amount.
IMPORTANT: If you increase a player's MMR too much, it can inflate their rating. This means InHouseQueue will think they are much better than they really are. If they lose a game as a high-MMR player against lower-MMR players, they will lose a lot of MMR because InHouseQueue expected them to win. The same will happen in reverse when removing a lot of MMR. It’s best to increase MMR gradually to avoid this issue.
If you have set up a unique leaderboard, you can add or remove MMR for a player in a specific (queue_channel
) by selecting it.
Manually set a player to an exact MMR value using this command.
Players' MMR cannot be set to above 9999, or below 0
Enable this command to display players' current MMR next to their names in the queue.
If you play more than one game on your server (LoL, Overwatch, Valorant, or Custom), the MMR shown will be from your most recent game played.
By default, all players start at 833 MMR. As players complete games, they build data for more consistent and balanced matchmaking. However, if skill levels vary significantly, adjusting the starting MMR can help provide more realistic matchmaking.
You can select predefined MMR ranges to better match a player's skill:
~1000 MMR
~1200 MMR
~1500 MMR
~1650 MMR
~2300 MMR
~2800 MMR
~3200 MMR
~4000 MMR
These ranges rank players from beginner (Silver/Bronze) to professional players. Choose carefully based on the player's skill level.
If you have set up a unique leaderboard, you can add or remove MMR for a player in a specific queue channel by selecting it.
This command overwrites the MMR of the player. Ensure players are aware when taking this action.