🌎Map commands

Commands for managing Maps.

👑 Admin only commands

ðŸ’Ą General command for everyone

Required parameters will be in [Square brackets]

Optional parameters will be in (Curly brackets)

👑 Set Maps

If your competitive game features multiple maps (e.g., Valorant, Call of Duty, Rainbow Six Siege), consider incorporating these into your InHouseQueue server configuration. You can add maps individually, including the map name, game mode (if applicable), and an image URL for the map.

A random map from your server pool is sent to the lobby channel once a game begins. We are diligently working on supporting more sophisticated map selections, such as Pick and Ban.

/maps enable [map_selection] [game]

/maps disable [game]

/maps add [name] (game_mode) [image_url] [game]

/maps remove [map_name]


/maps enable - This command will enable maps for your selected games. Once activated, a random map will be sent into your voice lobby for every game.

/maps disable - Disables maps. Maps will no longer be sent.

/maps add - Add a map to your server pool.

/maps remove - Remove a map from your server pool.

/list_maps - List all maps available on your server.

How it works:

  1. First, enable maps and select the game you'd like to allow it for.

  1. Add a map. Fill in all the relevant fields. Adding an image URL is recommended! You can use sites such as IMGUR to host images. You can reuse the instructions here to learn how to generate a URL for your image.

  1. Add more maps! Repeat the processes until you have your desired number of maps

  1. That's it! Now when a game begins, a random map from the pool will be sent into the lobby channel. This takes away some of the work to decide on what map to play.

  1. Anyone on the server can run /list_maps maps. All other map commands can only be run by Admins, or discord roles that have been granted permissions.

Last updated