🚀Quick Start

Get your server up and running and ready to use In-House Queue


What good is a bot if it isn't on your server?! Make sure the bot is invited!

Use this link here.

You must have Administrator or Manage channels permissions for these commands.

YouTube Video Set up - https://youtu.be/OwcyRsqwfro (a little outdated)


  1. /setup

  1. Select Quick Setup or Advanced Setup

  1. If you select Quick Setup, the bot will generate all required channels with our default settings:

    1. Team Sizes: 5v5

    2. MMR: ON

  2. If you select Advanced Setup, you will go through an interactive guide to tailor the bot settings to your server needs.

InHouseQueue Supports team sizes of up to 8v8. Please select Custom after running /setup to ensure you can set a team size other than the default (5v5).

  1. You can change settings at any time. Please visit our complete commands list here.

All voice lobbies and channels will be created in the "Ongoing InHouse Games" category. Please feel free to rename this category and move it wherever you want. However, please do not delete it.

Running /setup multiple times will generate another #queue. You don't need to go through the entire setup every time unless you want to. 👀

That's it! Start playing by clicking the Green buttons to join the queue!

Continue reading for more advanced settings...

Creating Multiple queue channels

InHouseQueue supports creating multiple queue channels. All channels can have games running simultaneously.

How it works:

  1. Run /setup and select your game.

  2. If an InHouseQueue Discord category exists, you will be prompted to decide whether you want a new queue channel.

  3. Select ✅ - a new Queue will be created inside the existing InHouseQueue category.

How does the leaderboard work?

By default, completed matches are tracked by the "Global Leaderboard". Think of this as your "main" leaderboard.

When you create a new queue, games played in that queue count towards the Global Leaderboard. The Global Leaderboard is limited to your Discord server and does not track games globally across different servers. We mean Globally within your server!

Creating a unique leaderboard

Create a queue, and transform it to have a dedicated leaderboard by running /queue set_unique_leaderboard and select any existing queue.

This queue is now entirely independent. This can be useful for separating a High-skill queue from a lower-skill queue. Or, even better, a separate queue for casual games during your InHouseQueue Seasons.

Certain commands, such as /leaderboard and /rank have an optional parameter for selecting the queue channel. Once selected, you'll see the leaderboard or rank for the selected queue. Selecting a Text channel that is not a queue will show the Global Leaderboard statistics.

As of writing our Website leaderboard https://inhousequeue.xyz/leaderboard/<SERVREID> has not been updated to allow the selection of different queues.

So, if you create a unique leaderboard and games are played in both queues, some members may appear multiple times on the website leaderboard.

Last updated