⚙ïļServer config commands

Commands to configure server settings and InHouseQueue functionalities:

👑 * Admin only commands

ðŸ’Ą * General command for everyone

Required parameters will be in [Square brackets]

Optional parameters will be in (Curly brackets)

👑 Toggle test mode

/test_mode [preference]

Enable or disable a test environment for trying out features.

Once test mode is enabled, you'll only need 2 players to fully test all queue functionalities.

Use /winner to end a game in test mode. Voting will not end a game in test mode.

👑 Set up the server

/setup [game]

Run initial setup processes for InHouseQueue in the server.

Then select Quick Setup or Advanced Setup.

Quick setup will create all necessary channels with our default settings and team sizes.

Default settings:

  1. 5v5

  2. MMR enabled

Selecting Advanced Setup will take you through an interactive questionnaire to tailor the bot to your server.

Of course, you can change all settings at any time, even after /setup

👑 Set a Discord Role for InHouses

/queue_role [role]

Assign a specific Discord role for participation in InHouse games.

All members must have this role before they can join the queue.

👑 Set up certain requirements

/require [condition] [game] [feature]

Define prerequisites or conditions for joining queues or games.

Available features:

  1. IGN - If this is enabled, Players must set an IGN before they can queue.

👑 Turn features on and off

/feature [condition] [feature]

Enable or disable various features of the InHouseQueue system. All these futures are InHouseQueue default settings. If you do not want some of these enabled, please turn them off with this command.

Available features:

  1. MVP voting

    1. Toggle the Direct message sent by InHouseQueue at the end of a game

  2. Automatic OP.GG link (League of Legends only)

    1. Toggle the creation of Multi team op.gg links

  3. LoL Draft link (League of Legends only)

    1. Toggle the creation of a LOL Draft link

  4. Voice channel creation

    1. Toggle the automatic creation of voice channels

  5. Lobby is public

    1. Toggle Hiding the Lobby from the rest of the server or keeping it visible for the whole server.

  6. Queue role required

    1. Toggle the requirement for a queue role

  7. Match information

    1. Toggle the embed that contains Match details

  8. Mute spectators in VC

    1. Toggle Spectators being able to speak when they join the Team voice lobbies

👑 Check InHouseQueues permissions

/check_permissions (channel)

Review the bot's permissions within the server.

Use this to check what permissions the bot is missing in a certain text channel.

👑 Assign Discord role for specific queue positions

/restrict_role [discord_role] [queue_role]
/unrestrict_role [queue_role]

Link Discord roles to specific positions in a game queue. Use this to force players to only be able to queue in roles they main.

Remove this at any time with /unrestrict_role [queue_role]

👑 Start challenges for the server

/start_challenges [game]

Initiate server-wide challenges for members to participate in.

Challenges are a fantastic way to engage your community, spark friendly competition, and reward active members!

Once enabled, you can pause challenges with /pause_challenges. Pausing challenges stops all challenges tracking and deletes the challenges roles.

👑 Grant admin commands to Moderators / Helpers

/grant_[setting]_commands [role] [command]

Permit your moderators to run admin commands. This gives you fine-grained control and delegates permissions perfectly.

Available grant and revoke commands:

/grant_game_commands OR /revoke_game_commands

  1. ALL

  2. Change results of a game

  3. Force a winner

  4. Cancel a game

  5. Void a game

  6. Force start a game

  7. Enabled/Disabled Maps

  8. Add maps to the server pool

  9. Remove Maps

/grant_leaderboard_commands OR /revoke_game_commands

  1. ALL

  2. Reset full leaderboard

  3. Toggle MMR

  4. Create dynamic leaderboard

  5. Reset MMR

  6. Reset challenges

/grant_queue_commands OR /revoke_queue_commands

  1. ALL

  2. Remove users from the queue

  3. Reset a queue

  4. Set queue preference

  5. Toggle duo queue

  6. Toggle fill

  7. Setup captain queue & Pick captains

  8. Update ready-up timer

  9. Toggle casual mode

  10. Set a schedule

  11. Add custom info to lobbies

  12. Remove custom info to lobbies

  13. Lock/unlock a queue to a certain game game

  14. Toggle rolling queue

  15. Show MMR next to players' names

/grant_server_commands OR /revoke_server_commands

  1. ALL

  2. Toggle test mode

  3. Set up the server

  4. Set a discord Role for InHouses

  5. Set up certain requirements

  6. Turn features on and off

  7. Check InHouseQueue permissions

  8. Assign Discord role for specific queue positions

  9. Remove any restrictions on a queue position

  10. Start challenges for the server

  11. Pause challenges for the server

  12. Adjust player starting MMRs

/grant_user_commands OR /revoke_user_commands

  1. ALL

  2. Update members IGN

  3. Add MMR for players

  4. Remove MMR for players

  5. Substitute players in/out

/grant_premium_commands OR /revoke_premium_commands

  1. ALL

  2. Change bot activity

  3. Update the queue image banner

  4. Update the queue colour

  5. Change team names

👑 Unsubscribe from notifications

InHouseQueue will sometimes send notifications to your queue channels. These can be reminders, useful tips or Patch notes notifications. You may opt out of receiving notifications at any point. Please note, that this is a one-time decision, you cannot resubscribe.

/unsubscribe [feature]

👑 Adjust starting MMR

/starting_mmr [player] [mmr] [game]

By default, all players start at 800 MMR. As players complete games, they build data. More data means consistent balanced games. However, in some cases, there is not enough time to build this data because of the varying skill of players on the server. This is where /starting_mmr comes in.

How it works:

This can provide more realistic matchmaking if players' skill varies significantly.

Predefined MMR ranges:

  • ~1000 MMR

  • ~1200 MMR

  • ~1500 MMR

  • ~1650 MMR

  • ~2300 MMR

  • ~2800 MMR

  • ~3200 MMR

  • ~4000 MMR

Select an MMR range that suits the player's skill rank. As a guide, these MMR ranges rank from Beginner player (Silver/Bronze) to Professional player. Please select carefully.

This command overwrites the MMR of the player. Ensure players are aware when taking this action.

Delegate this command to Moderators with the grant command

Last updated