🎖ïļInHouseQueue Seasons

The Seasons feature in the In-House Queue Bot allows server admins to manage competitive seasons within their Discord server. This feature is designed to help organize and track in-house games over a set period, providing a structured way to compete and track player progress.

Key Features

  • Season Management: Start, extend, shorten, and end seasons.

  • Leaderboard: Track the top players throughout the season.

  • Automated Notifications: Notify players when a season is about to end.

  • Detailed Stats: View season stats including start date, end date, games played, and unique players.

Seasons games are always part of the global leaderboard. If you'd like to separate the season games from casual/relaxed games we suggest you create a new queue and make sure it has a unique leaderboard.

How to setup Seasons

  1. Starting a Season: An admin uses /season start to begin a new season, specify the duration, game type, announcement channel, season name, and notification role.

  1. Confirm that you want to start the season. Here, we suggest you first reset the leaderboards so all players get an even starting point.

  1. InHouseQueue will send a message to your designated Seasons Announcements channel marking the start of the season for all players.

  1. One day before the season ends, InHouseQueue will send a reminder!

  1. Once the season reaches its end date, or you end it early, the Final standings will be sent into the Seasons Accouncements channel, all stats that are part of the Globa Leaderboard are automatically reset (Wins, Losses, MVP votes).

MMR is not reset

Managing the Season:

Throughout the season, the admin can extend or shorten the season using /season extend or /season shorten.

Ending the Season:

When the season needs to be ended early, the admin uses /season end to conclude the season.

Viewing Stats:

Admins can view detailed stats about the season, including the top players, by using /season stats.

All Seasons Commands

Required parameters will be in [Square brackets]

Optional parameters will be in (Curly brackets)

/season start

Description: Start a new season in the server with a specified duration, game type, and announcement channel.


/season start [days] [game] [updates_channel] (season_name) (role)
  • days: Duration of the season in days (1-90).

  • game: Select the game for the season. Choices: League Of Legends, Valorant, Overwatch, Custom.

  • channel: Select the channel for announcements and updates.

  • season_name: Name of the season (optional, max 20 characters).

  • role: Role to notify for season announcements (optional).

/season extend

Description: Extend the current active season by a specified number of days.


/season extend [game] [days]
  • game: Select the game for the season to extend. Choices: League Of Legends, Valorant, Overwatch, Custom.

  • days: Number of days to extend the season (1-90).

/season shorten

Description: Shorten the current active season by a specified number of days.


/season shorten [game] [days]
  • game: Select the game for the season to shorten. Choices: League Of Legends, Valorant, Overwatch, Custom.

  • days: Number of days to shorten the season (1-90)

/season end

Description: End the current active season early for a specified game.


/season_end [game]
  • game: Select the game for the season to end. Choices: League Of Legends, Valorant, Overwatch, Custom.

/season stats

Description: View the current season stats, including start date, end date, games played, unique players, and top 3 players.


/season_stats [game]
  • game: Select the game to view the current season stats. Choices: League Of Legends, Valorant, Overwatch, Custom.

Last updated